Track ads that lead to external pages. How does that work?
von Katrin Nebermann
Especially for ads on Facebook, it can be much more effective not to directly share content from your own website, but on more “neutral” content from online media. or influencers. In this case, the ad Tracking via redirect or forwarding link. On the one hand this enables the control of the billed clicks, on the other hand conversions can be tracked in this way. Although Facebook offers for example, also offers its own conversion tracking, but this this not only the interaction with your other channels but also brings with it additional data protection issues. consequences that you as a website operator should be aware of. have to.
When measuring with etracker, you have the great advantage of being able to success across channels with several distribution models analyze. You can also differentiate precisely between the total clicks, the visitors who clicked on a link on the third party site visit your website, as well as visitors who click and use a other channel (direct entry or search) to your website. And this, of course, with the associated conversions in the with regard to lead generation or orders.
Data protection under control: simply block external content