Referrer exclusion for Paypal & Co. (revisited)

by Katrin Nebermann
Referrer exclusion for Paypal & Co.
If a store offers payment processing via an external payment service provider such as PayPal, Amazon etc., this can distort the referrer analyses and therefore the campaign evaluations. This is because the order is only finally completed after the return and the payment provider is considered a new source of origin by default.
In etracker Analytics, this is automatically avoided for all common payment providers from 3ds to Visa. If a payment domain is not filtered out by default, it can simply be added under Settings → Integration: Account → Data filter → Referrer exclusion.
The standard exclusion list can also be viewed here.

To check this, you can go toMarketing Reports → Sources: Referrer (organic)to list the sources of origin. No more entries from payment or ticketing domains should appear here.

Data protection under control: simply block external content