New dimension “previous page”

by Katrin Nebermann
New dimension “previous page”
Not only do many roads lead to Rome, but many roads also lead to certain websites.
For external links, differentiation according to origin is not a problem anyway. This is because they are automatically recorded and broken down. Internal links, on the other hand, could previously only be evaluated in the click path report by activating the dimensions previous page and page name and analyzing a specific page with a suitable filter.
In this example of the click path report, you can see which internal paths and entry points lead to the category overview for outdoor cushions:

To make analysis even easier and to enable additional segmentation, the previous page dimension is now available in all standard reports. Simply add as a dimension:

This makes it even clearer that our example does not navigate directly to the outdoor cushion overview via the home page – although this is possible.

In the following example, we talk about our site
How do visitors get to the page to register a test account?
Over 60% enter directly on the registration page. 13.5 % come from the homepage – which is not surprising. However, many people first find out about the license fees or details on data protection.

Another example from
What information is searched for on which product detail pages?
In the report Basic Reports → Content → Internal Search , add the segment previous page to find out on which subpages certain searches were carried out:

This allows you to meaningfully supplement the content on the product pages or optimize the navigation or product recommendations.
Data protection under control: simply block external content