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Several ways to measure conversion

Tips & Tricks
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Several ways to measure conversion

by Katrin Nebermann

Several ways to measure conversion

The definition of website goals and their measurement is one of the central tasks of web analytics. The effectiveness of marketing measures can be checked with the help of the website goals. This involves looking at how many users have been “converted” to a desired action on the website. This is why we also talk about conversion campaigns and conversion tracking. Website goals can be specific actions such as an order, an inquiry or registration. On websites that are financed by display ads, the aim is to achieve a high level of engagement, i.e. as many page views and visitor dwell times as possible.

A distinction is also made between micro and macro conversions. Micro conversions are intermediate steps towards the actual main goal of the website. Micro conversions can therefore provide a good indication of the quality of campaign traffic beyond the bounce rate. Micro conversions can be a direct sub-step of a target process, such as adding products to the shopping cart as part of the ordering process. However, a micro conversion can also be more distant or independent of the main goal, such as a newsletter registration, the download of a brochure or the calculation of credit rates.

A distinction can also be made between monetary and non-monetary targets. A monetary value can result directly from the order value, but can also be assigned on the basis of your own weighting.

The following measurement options are available in etracker analytics:

OptionTracking basisTarget typeAdvantagesNotes
Website target system in the applicationSelection and combination of recorded events and page views

Length of stay or page views per visit
Non-monetary targets or order processes (check-out)

Simple installation without changing the source code, independent of ITWhen uploading conversions to Google Ads, make sure that orders via website destinations and eCommerce are not uploaded twice.
Parameters in the etracker codeTransfer on page viewEspecially for leads such as inquiries and registrationsEasier implementation compared to eCommerce APINo comprehensive eCommerce reporting possible
Find out more here:
etracker eCommerce API (Code)Manual integration into the store or via store pluginCreation of eCommerce events for product lists, product pages, shopping list, shopping cart, orderAnalysis of the complete eCommerce funnel at product and category level
Google Enhanced Ecommerce GrabberDirectly integrated Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking Code (not via GTM)Creation of eCommerce events for product pages, shopping cart, orderUse of existing implementation or various plugins possible

You can find more information on the respective options in our documentation.

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