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Consent-free app tracking to the power of three

Tips & Tricks
1 min Reading time
Consent-free app tracking to the power of three

by Katrin Nebermann

Consent-free app tracking to the power of three

When analyzing the use of native apps, the same legal provisions apply as for websites, i.e. the GDPR and the TTDSG. In addition, there are the guidelines of the app stores, above all Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATT), which has been in force since iOS 14.5. However, Apple does not require consent for every type of usage analysis. Rather, Apple uses the term tracking to refer specifically to the sharing of collected data with third parties:

“Tracking refers to the linking of user or device data collected by your app with user or device data collected by apps, websites or offline property of other companies for the purposes of targeted advertising or advertising measurement. Tracking also refers to the sharing of user or device data with data brokers.”
(see https://deve

App analytics for anonymous usage analysis of your own app must be clearly separated from cross-app and cross-website tracking for advertising purposes.

Similar to website analysis, etracker’s App Analytics Tracking Framework offers a consent-free option in accordance with the GDPR and TTDSG as well as the App Store guidelines of Apple and Google. Consent-free app tracking to the power of three.

Incidentally, the opt-in rate for ATT is 25% worldwide. This means that three-quarters of the usage data is lost if consent is required. Fortunately, this can be avoided for app analysis purposes!

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