Divide and group

von Katrin Nebermann
Divide and group
Based on the Latin proverb “Divide et impera” (divide and rule). In web analysis in general and in campaign analysis in particular, sources and actions must be split into subgroups and combined into groups. This enables efficient data-driven campaign management.
Regardless of whether a campaign is to be evaluated as granularly as possible according to all adjusting screws or – from a bird’s eye view, so to speak – larger contexts are to be considered.
Share and group using campaign links
The campaign link generator makes the selection and use of parameters very easy. In addition to the mandatory data, additional and self-defined parameters can be added and analyzed in evaluations on up to six dimension levels.

User-defined channel grouping
Organic traffic is automatically grouped by medium type-in, SEO, social media and link/referrer based on the referrer. Automatic assignment rules can be set up using the channel grouping function to create your own grouping, particularly for organic sources of origin. This does not change the standard grouping under Medium, but adds entries in the Channel dimension. Both dimensions can be used and even combined in reports.

Now all that remains is to keep an eye on campaign performance and implement the findings in optimizations. The efficient campaign analysis in detail and at group level reveals suggestions for increasing success and creates scope for creative approaches.
Data protection under control: simply block external content