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Measuring career performance

Tips & Tricks
3 min Reading time
Let's take a closer look at the careers section of your website: But how do visitors get to your careers page? Where do the visitors come from geographically? What type of device do users use to navigate your career portal? Why does one job advertisement perform better than the other?

by Katrin Nebermann

Have you always wanted to know how your career is performing? Joking aside, this is not about your career, but about the career section on your website.

In the B2B sector in particular, recruiting employees is often one of the key objectives pursued with the website. Companies are looking for qualified young talent and in the so-called “war for talent”, the Internet in general and the company careers page in particular are an important channel for getting Generation Y interested in your company. However, it is not only Generation Y, but also experienced professionals from all sectors who look very closely at potential new employers before sending off their application. It is therefore of immense importance that the careers section of your website optimally supports the work of the HR department.

Let’s take a closer look at the careers section of your website:

In addition to general information about the company and company videos that reflect the working atmosphere, you may also point out development prospects and name contact persons and contact options.

But how do visitors get to your careers page?

Do they only come via the homepage? Then it’s time to think about optimizing your job ads for search engines. Do they come directly from career portals such as Stepstone and Co. Then you should calculate the click-through rate (CTR) of the various career portals to your website and determine whether your expectations are being met. If this is not the case, you should test whether a different approach or different content improves the CTR, for example. The same applies if you look at the conversion from the job ad on your website to the application form.

Where do the visitors come from geographically?

If an evaluation reveals that many visitors do not come from the area around your location, you can consider whether conversion can be improved by offering additional incentives in the job advertisement (support in finding accommodation, relocation assistance).

What type of device do users use to navigate your career portal?

Are they more likely to browse your site using a smartphone, an iPad or a stationary computer, and how does the CTR differ by device type? If smartphones, for example, perform worse than average, it is advisable to take a closer look at why this is the case. Perhaps you already have a hypothesis, so that an A/B test can give you certainty that you are optimizing in the right place.

Why does one job advertisement perform better than the other?

If you have a lot of different job ads, see which ones work well and which ones work less well. How do you find out quickly? For this purpose, etracker offers you the Product Performance Report. Originally developed for eCommerce, this report shows you how a product performs on your website. For this purpose, eCommerce events are measured: How often a product is viewed, added to the wish list, placed in the shopping cart, ordered, purchased, etc. What could be more obvious than using this performance report for the careers sector? Just as you can enter “Product viewed”, you can also enter “Job advertisement viewed” and, similarly, click on “Apply now” and “Send application”. And now you have a great performance measurement of your career area.

Also use etracker to measure the success of the career section of your website and increase the success of your recruiting measures in a data-driven way.

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