In the world of digital marketing and web analytics, the number of visitors is a fundamental metric that provides information about traffic and user behavior on your website.

Definition of visitors

A visitor is a single person or a single device from which your website is accessed. In principle, several people can share a device such as a PC. If individual people use several devices, they are counted as different visitors by default. However, it is possible to merge them into one visitor using cross-device tracking. Cookies are used to recognize returning visitors. Under data protection law, several visits by a single visitor may only be linked together within the respective day without consent. If the visitor has not given consent to the setting of cookies, if only cookie-less tracking is used in etracker analytics or if cookies have been deleted or their duration limited by means of browser protection measures, a visitor is recorded as a new visitor on return. The total number of (unique) visitors and the division into new and returning visitors should therefore be viewed with caution.

Importance of visitors

The number of visitors shows how many individual users visit your website. This key figure is important for measuring reach. An increase in the number of visitors can indicate a growing interest in your content or products. Due to the dependence on consent and cookies, measuring reach using extrapolation is more meaningful than the classic key figure of visitors:

Eindeutige Besucher = Anzahl der Besuche \ Besuchshäufigkeit (nur bei Akzeptanz von Cookies berechnet)