
Number of visitors who have canceled the process after visiting the page.

Abandonment rate (conversion processes)

Number of dropouts divided by the number of visitors.

Abandonment rate

Proportion of products left in the shopping cart (in %): (Anzahl ‘In den Warenkorb gelegt’ minus Anzahl ‘Kauf’)/Anzahl ‘In den Warenkorb gelegt’

Action (advertising impact)

Indicates how often the channel was the last contact in the customer journey before an order was placed.

All targets achieved

Number of all process conversions for active processes. If someone achieves several goals in one visit, all conversions are recorded.

Stimulation (advertising effect)

Indicates how often the channel was the first contact in the customer journey before an order was placed

Share of all visitors

Percentage of all visitors by scroll depth.

Share of visits with cookies (traffic)

Percentage of visits with etracker cookies enabled.

Quantity (deleted from shopping cart)

Indicates how often the product was deleted from the shopping cart.

Quantity (order)

Indicates how often the product was ordered.

Quantity (events)

Number of all triggered events.

Number (Viewed)

Indicates how often the product was viewed. All views are recorded, even if a visitor has viewed a product several times during a visit.

Quantity (added to shopping cart)

Number of products added to the shopping cart.

Quantity (purchase)

Indicates how often the product was purchased.

Number per visit (added to shopping cart)

Number of products added to the shopping cart per visit.

Area Value

Sum of all lead and sale sales from visitors to this area.

Article per order (leads)

Average number of articles per lead. Calculated by dividing the number of all articles by the number of all leads.

Article per order (Sales)

Average number of articles per sale. Calculated by dividing the number of all items by the number of all sales.


Number of visits that ended on the viewed subpage.