Scroll tracking and the analysis of scrolling behavior are crucial techniques in digital marketing and web analytics. They make it possible to better understand the behavior of users on a website, especially how deep they scroll on a page and what content they actually see. These insights help you to optimize the user experience and maximize the effectiveness of your content.

Definition of scroll tracking

Scroll tracking refers to the measurement and analysis of users’ scrolling activities on a website. It tracks how far users scroll down a page and measures which parts of the page remain in the visible area and for how long.

Meaning of scroll tracking

Understanding the scrolling behavior offers several advantages:

  • Optimize content placement: Identify the areas of the website that are seen the most in order to place important content there.
  • Improve user experience: Understand where users bounce and optimize page design to increase engagement.
  • Increase the conversion rate: Make sure that call-to-actions (CTAs) and important information are placed in the right places.

Scroll tracking methods

There are essentially two methods for recording the scrolling behavior on your website:

  • Web analytics: Scroll tracking is one of the basic functions of web analytics. Some solutions require scrolling behavior to be measured with user-defined events instead of doing this automatically. They also differ in their analysis options: Google Analytics, for example, now also offers automatic recording, but only a tabular evaluation.
  • UX tools: Solutions such as Hotjar, Crazy Egg or Microsoft Clarity offer session recording and mouse movement tracking as well as scroll maps. However, due to the granular nature of mouse tracking, data protection authorities always require users’ prior consent for their use.

Analysis of the scrolling behavior

1st scroll report

Analyze how deep users scroll on your page. This is measured in etracker analytics in different percentages, %-9%, %-24%, %-49%, %-74%, %-100%. This tabular analysis allows you to segment the data according to different dimensions and your own behavioral segments.

2. scrollmap

Scrollmaps (or scroll heatmaps) provide a visual representation of scrolling behavior next to or projected onto the respective website. They show in color how far users scroll on the page. This allows you to see the thresholds directly in relation to the content and design of the website. This makes it much easier to identify specific optimization potential.

Optimization on the basis of scroll tracking

1. content placement

Place important content, CTAs and offers in the areas that reach the most users. Use the findings from scroll tracking to strategically place these crucial elements.

2. improved user-friendliness

Optimize page design to encourage scrolling behavior. Use clear and appealing layouts to encourage users to keep scrolling and consume more content.

3. segmentation

Segment the scroll data according to different user groups, such as the origin of the visitors or mobile vs. desktop users. This helps you to derive specific optimization measures.

4. a/b tests

Carry out A/B tests to test different layouts and content. Analyze which versions lead to better scrolling behavior and higher engagement.


Scroll tracking and the analysis of scroll behaviour are crucial to understanding user behavior on your website and optimizing the user experience. By using scroll maps and detailed analytics, you can improve the placement of important content, reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates.