Definition of key figures
Number of visitors who have canceled the process after visiting the page.
Abandonment rate (conversion processes)
Number of dropouts divided by the number of visitors.
Abandonment rate
Proportion of products left in the shopping cart (in %): (Anzahl ‘In den Warenkorb gelegt’ minus Anzahl ‘Kauf’)/Anzahl ‘In den Warenkorb gelegt’
Action (advertising impact)
Indicates how often the channel was the last contact in the customer journey before an order was placed.
All targets achieved
Number of all process conversions for active processes. If someone achieves several goals in one visit, all conversions are recorded.
Stimulation (advertising effect)
Indicates how often the channel was the first contact in the customer journey before an order was placed
Share of all visitors
Percentage of all visitors by scroll depth.
Share of visits with cookies (traffic)
Percentage of visits with etracker cookies enabled.
Quantity (deleted from shopping cart)
Indicates how often the product was deleted from the shopping cart.
Quantity (order)
Indicates how often the product was ordered.
Quantity (events)
Number of all triggered events.
Number (Viewed)
Indicates how often the product was viewed. All views are recorded, even if a visitor has viewed a product several times during a visit.
Quantity (added to shopping cart)
Number of products added to the shopping cart.
Quantity (purchase)
Indicates how often the product was purchased.
Number per visit (added to shopping cart)
Number of products added to the shopping cart per visit.
Area Value
Sum of all lead and sale sales from visitors to this area.
Article per order (leads)
Average number of articles per lead. Calculated by dividing the number of all articles by the number of all leads.
Article per order (Sales)
Average number of articles per sale. Calculated by dividing the number of all items by the number of all sales.
Number of visits that ended on the viewed subpage.
Order size
Average order value per purchase
Order size (leads)
Average order value per lead
Orders (conversion)
Number of leads and sales achieved.
Visits with target achievement
Number of visits that led to a conversion for active target processes.
Visitors (conversion processes)
Number of visitors in relation to the process or page.
Frequency of visits (traffic)
Average number of visits per visitor. Only visits with activated etracker cookies are taken into account.
Bounce time (engagement)
Average time spent on this subpage by visitors who have only accessed this subpage and no other subpages.
Bounce time (formerly dwell time/bouncer)
Average length of stay of a bouncer.
The average bounce time (formerly dwell time) is calculated as follows:
Total duration of all visits with only one page impression (formerly PI) (in seconds) divided by the total number of bouncers in the respective period.
Number of visits during which only one page was accessed.
Number of successfully submitted forms
Duration per visit in % (traffic)
Proportion of visits in the length of stay report.
Duration per PI in % (traffic)
Proportion of Pis in the dwell time report.
Direct visits
Number of visits directly after a campaign contact.
Direct PIs
Number of subpages accessed directly after a campaign contact.
Direct purchase (advertising impact)
Indicates how often the channel led to a direct purchase after the campaign contact.
Average price (Viewed)
Average price of the products considered.
Number of visits that started on the viewed subpage.
Number of errors with a field / form.
FirstAdKlick-Lead Conversion (Conversion First Ad)
Number of leads per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all leads by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration for the First Ad distribution model.
FirstAdKlick-Sales Conversion (Conversion First Ad)
Number of sales per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all sales by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration for the First Ad distribution model.
FirstAdLead sales (Conversion First Ad)
Total turnover of all orders achieved for the First Ad distribution model. Which turnover is transferred and in what amount is defined in the transfer of the tracking parameters.
FirstAdLeads (Conversion First Ad)
Number of all leads for the distribution model First Ad.
FirstAdSale revenue (Conversion First Ad)
Total turnover of all sales achieved for the First Ad distribution model. Which sales are transferred and in what amount is defined in the transfer of the tracking parameters.
FirstAdSales (Conversion First Ad)
Number of all sales for the distribution model First Ad.
Form Impressions
Number of formView events sent. Indicates how often a form has been viewed.
Indicates how often all visitors with a certain number of contacts or a certain contact sequence have come to the website.
Interaction (multiple)
Number of all interactions with a field/ forumlar.
Interaction (unique)
Number of unique interactions with a field / form.
Click-lead conversion
Number of leads per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all leads by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration.
Click-sale conversion
Number of sales per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all sales by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration.
Number of mouse clicks on an entry point, e.g. an advertising medium such as a banner ad or a search term in a search engine.
Conversion from seen to ordered
Ratio of products ordered to products viewed.
Conversion of product ordered
Ratio of products purchased to products ordered.
Conversion rate (Conversion)
Number of orders per visitor. Calculated by dividing the number of all orders by the number of all visitors in the period under consideration.
Conversion rate (conversion process)
Number of target achievers divided by the number of visitors.
Conversion rate/visit
Percentage of target achievers who have generated orders out of the total number of all visits.
The conversion rate/visit is calculated as follows:
Total number of all orders (leads or sales) divided by the total number of visits in the respective period.
LastAdKlick lead conversion (Conversion Last Ad)
Number of leads per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all leads by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration for the Last Ad distribution model .
LastAdKlick-Sales Conversion (Conversion Last Ad)
Number of sales per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all sales by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration for the Last Ad distribution model .
LastAdLead revenue (Conversion Last Ad)
Number of sales per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all sales by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration for the Last Ad distribution model .
LastAdLeads (Conversion Last Ad)
Number of all leads for the distribution model Last Ad.
LastAdSale revenue (Conversion Last Ad)
Total turnover of all sales achieved for the Last Ad distribution model. Which sales are transferred and in what amount is defined in the transfer of the tracking parameters.
LastAdSales (Conversion Last Ad)
Number of all sales for the distribution model Last Ad.
Lead-sale conversion
Conversion rate of leads through sales. Calculated by dividing the number of all sales by the number of all leads.
Lead sales
Total turnover of the leads generated.
The number of target points reached on the website – e.g. contact forms sent, newsletter registrations, etc. – can be recorded in etracker as fictitious sales in the form of a lead. The order parameters are used for this, either in the short classic version or in the e-commerce API version, which offers more evaluation options.
LinearAdKlick-Lead Conversion (Conversion Linear)
Number of leads per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all leads by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration for the Linear distribution model.
LinearAdKlick-Sales Conversion (Conversion Linear)
Number of sales per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all sales by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration for the Linear distribution model.
LinearAdLead sales (Conversion Linear)
Total turnover of all orders achieved for the Linear distribution model. Which turnover is transferred and in what amount is defined in the transfer of the tracking parameters.
LinearAdLeads (Conversion Linear)
Number of all leads for the distribution model Linear.
LinearAdSale revenue (Conversion Linear)
Total turnover of all sales achieved for the Linear distribution model. Which sales are transferred and in what amount is defined in the transfer of the tracking parameters.
LinearAdSales (Conversion Linear)
Number of all sales for the linear distribution model.
Deletion rate (deleted from shopping cart)
Ratio of the number of products removed from the shopping cart to the number of products added to the shopping cart:Anzahl Produkt aus dem Warenkorb entnommen/Anzahl Produkt in den Warenkorb gelegt
Useful life of the app
Total usage time of all users. This is the total time that all users have spent with the app in the period under consideration.
Page Value
Calculated by the sum of all lead and sale sales divided by the unique number of page views of this subpage.
PositionAdKlick-Lead Conversion (Conversion Position)
Number of leads per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all leads by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration for the Position distribution model.
PositionAdKlick-Sales Conversion (Conversion Position)
Number of sales per click. Calculated by dividing the number of all sales by the number of all clicks in the period under consideration for the Position distribution model.
PositionAdLead turnover (conversion position)
Total turnover of all orders achieved for the item distribution model. Which turnover is transferred and in what amount is defined in the transfer of the tracking parameters.
PositionAdLeads (Conversion Position)
Number of all leads for the distribution model item.
PositionAdSale turnover (conversion position)
Total turnover of all sales achieved for the item distribution model. Which sales are transferred and in what amount is defined in the transfer of the tracking parameters.
PositionAdSales (Conversion Position)
Number of all sales for the distribution model item.
Post PIs
Number of subpages accessed during a visit after the last campaign contact.
Products per order
Average number of different products per lead. If a product is ordered three times in a session, only one product is recorded here.
Products per purchase
Average number of different products per sale. If a product is purchased three times in one session, only one product is recorded here.
Product quantity (added to watch list)
Indicates how often the product was added to the online store’s watch list.
Product quantity (deleted from shopping cart)
Indicates the quantities in which the product was deleted from the shopping cart.
Product quantity (order)
Indicates the quantities in which the product was ordered.
Product quantity (added to shopping cart)
Indicates the quantity of the product added to the shopping cart.
Product quantity (purchase)
Indicates the quantities in which the product was purchased.
Product quantity (lead to sale)
Indicates the quantities in which orders have converted to purchases.
Product quantity (cancellation)
Indicates the quantities of products in an order that have been canceled.
Product quantity (deleted from watch list)
Indicates the quantities in which the product was deleted from the watch list.
Product page for purchase
Ratio of products purchased to products viewed.
Product page for purchase
Ratio of products purchased to products viewed.
Sale turnover
Total turnover of all sales in the period under review.
Number of sales achieved in the period under review.
Page views of the session
Number of pages accessed within this user’s session.
Playing time (events)
Shows the playing time of the multimedia content.
Start (Events)
Number of the Start event. Start is stored for the start of multimedia content.
Stop (Events)
Number of the Stop event. Stop is stored for stopping multimedia content.
Cancellations (Cancellation)
Indicates the number of canceled orders.
Skipper (conversion process)
Number of visitors who skipped a specific step or page.
Persuasion (advertising impact)
Indicates how often the channel was one of the middle contacts in the customer journey before an order was placed.
Turnover (conversion)
Total turnover of all sales achieved. Which turnover is transferred and in what amount is defined in the transfer of the tracking parameters.
Turnover (conversion)
Total turnover of all sales achieved. Which turnover is transferred and in what amount is defined in the transfer of the tracking parameters.
Sold articles
Number of all items sold in the entire period under review.
Dwell time
Total time spent on the site by all users. This is the total time that all users have spent on the site in the period under consideration.
Dwell time of the session
Time spent on the site within the session.
Number of ads viewed (only for view tracking).
Shopping cart to order
Ratio of shopping cart usage to order.
Value of goods (added to watch list)
Value of the products placed on your watch list.
Value of goods (deleted from shopping cart)
The value of the products that visitors have removed from the shopping cart:Anzahl Produkt aus dem Warenkorb entnommen x Produktmenge x Produktpreis
Value of goods (order)
The value of the products ordered. It is irrelevant whether orders were changed to a sale or cancellation at a later date. The key figure records the original status of the orders.
Value of goods (Viewed)
Total value of the products viewed.
Value of goods (added to shopping cart)
The value of the products that visitors have added to their shopping cart:Anzahl Produkt in den Warenkorb gelegt x Produktmenge x Produktpreis
Value of goods (purchase)
The value of the products purchased, regardless of whether purchases were canceled at a later date: Anzahl ‘Produkt gekauft’ x Produktmenge x Produktpreis
Value of goods (lead to sale)
Total value of all orders that have converted to purchases.
Value of goods (cancellation)
Indicates the value of all canceled orders.
Value of goods (deleted from watch list)
Total value of the products deleted from the watch list.
Value of goods per purchase
Average value of goods per purchase: Warenwert/Anzahl ‘Produkt gekauft’
Value left unchanged
Value of the products placed in the shopping cart reduced by the products purchased.
Time per page
Average time spent on a subpage. Calculated by dividing the time spent on this subpage by the page views of the subpage in the period under consideration.
Target achiever (conversion process)
Number of visitors who reached the target in the last step.
Target achievements
Number of goals that were successfully completed. This is based on the goals created and recorded in the Conversion Processes report.