Funnel analyses, also known as funnel or process analyses, are an indispensable tool in digital marketing and web analytics. They help you to understand the steps that users go through on the way to a conversion in order to identify possible weak points in the process. By using funnel analysis, you can optimize the user experience and increase the conversion rate.

Definition of funnel analysis

A funnel analysis maps the sequence of steps that a user goes through on your website to complete a certain action. These steps are represented as a funnel, as the number of users typically decreases from step to step, similar to the shape of a funnel.

Significance of the funnel analysis

The importance of funnel analysis lies in its ability to provide detailed insights into user behavior and decision-making processes. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Identification of bottlenecks: Understand where users are bouncing and losing valuable leads or sales.
  • Conversion rate optimization: Improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of users going through the entire funnel and converting.
  • Data-driven decisions: Use concrete data to make informed decisions to optimize your marketing and sales strategies.

Steps for carrying out a funnel analysis

1. determination of the processes

Define the process for your funnel analysis. Examples could be:

  • Registrations for a service
  • Purchase transactions in an e-commerce store
  • Filling out a form

2. definition of the funnel steps

Identify the steps that users go through to achieve the goal. Some steps can be skipped or branch out, making setup and evaluation more complex. Here are two examples:

  • For an e-commerce site:

    1. Call up shopping cart
    2. Go to checkout
    3. Enter payment information
    4. Select shipping method
    5. Finalize order
  • To register for SaaS:

    1. Visit the landing page
    2. Start a free trial period
    3. Create an account
    4. Enter payment information
    5. Complete registration

3. configuration of the funnel steps

Define the appropriate trigger for each step. This can be a page view or a click on an element. Page views are usually recorded automatically. In the case of click events, the event may first have to be recorded in etracker analytics via the etracker tag manager before it can be selected for configuration in the conversion processes.

4. analysis of the funnel data

Examine the data to understand where the biggest losses occur in the funnel. Observe the conversion rates between the individual steps and identify optimization potential. When making changes, compare suitable time periods before and after the change.

5. optimization

Based on the findings from the analysis, you can take targeted measures to improve the conversion rate. Here are some strategies:

  • Improve usability: Optimize the design and navigation of your site to make it easier for users to go through the steps.
  • Reduce distractions: Remove unnecessary elements that could prevent users from completing the desired action.
  • Reinforce the call-to-actions (CTAs): Make CTAs clearer and more appealing to motivate users to continue.
  • Optimization of loading times: Make sure your site loads quickly to minimize bounces due to waiting times.
  • Avoid negative surprises: Prepare users for possible shipping costs or increased delivery times to minimize bounces.


Funnel analysis is a powerful tool for understanding user behaviour on your website and optimizing your conversion rate. By carefully analyzing the steps users go through, you can identify critical points and take targeted measures to improve the user experience and increase the success of your marketing strategies. By continuously working to improve your funnel analysis and monitoring the relevant data, you can increase the success of your online presence in the long term.