In digital marketing and web analytics, engagement metrics are crucial to understanding user interactions with your website. They help you to optimize the user experience and evaluate the effectiveness of your content and marketing strategies. The most important metrics include. Number of page views, time on site, bounce rate and page views per visit.

Page views

Definition of

Page views or page impressions measure how often a specific page on your website is viewed. This key figure provides information about the popularity and relevance of the individual pages.


Page views are a fundamental metric to assess traffic and interest in specific content. A high number of page views can indicate relevant and engaging content.


This allows you to increase page views, among other things:

  • Create relevant content: Produce content that meets the interests and needs of your target group.
  • SEO optimization: Optimize your content for search engines to increase visibility.
  • Promotion: Share your content on social media and in email newsletters to generate more traffic.

Time during the visit

Definition of

The dwell time (time on site) measures how long a user stays on your website on average. It begins with the first click on your website and ends when the user leaves the page or, as in etracker analytics, after 30 minutes of inactivity.


A longer dwell time indicates that your content is engaging and useful. It is an important indicator of the quality of the user experience.


This way you can increase the dwell time:

  • High-quality content: Make sure your content is informative, relevant and well-structured.
  • Internal linking: Link to other relevant content on your website to encourage users to stay longer.
  • Multimedia content: Use videos, images and interactive elements to captivate users.

Bounce rate

Definition of

The bounce rate shows how high the proportion of visits is in which only a single page of your website was accessed. This means that for bouncers, the entry page is also the exit page. The bounce rate is calculated as follows:

Bounce Rate = Anzahl aller Besuche mit nur einem Seitenaufruf \ Gesamtanzahl der Besuche im jeweiligen Zeitraum.


A high bounce rate on certain pages can indicate problems or ambiguities. In principle, the bounce rate should always be considered in connection with the number of entries. It is also important to consider the bounce rate with regard to the sources of origin and device types in order to obtain approaches for specific optimizations.


To minimize the bounce rate:

  • Optimize entry pages: Make sure that entry pages are appealing and easy to navigate.
  • Fix problems: Analyze pages with high exit rates and optimize them in terms of content, design and usability.

Page views per visit

Definition of

Page views per visit (pages per session) measure how many pages a visitor views on average during a single visit.

Seitenaufrufe pro Besuch = Gesamtanzahl aller Seitenaufrufe \ Gesamtanzahl der Besuche im jeweiligen Zeitraum

This key figure provides information about the engagement and interaction of visitors with your website.


A higher number of page views per visit indicates that users find your content interesting and are willing to spend more time on your site. As this is an average, the key figure should be considered in combination with the bounce rate. It is also a good idea to look at different cohorts using the segmentation function: What is the proportion of two to five, six to ten, etc. page views per visit?


This way you can increase the number of page views per visit:

  • Internal linking: Link to other relevant content within your site.
  • Interesting content: Provide engaging and diverse content that motivates users to keep clicking.
  • Good navigation: Make sure that the navigation on your website is intuitive and user-friendly.


The number of page views, time on site, bounce rate and page views per visit are key performance indicators in the field of web analytics. They provide valuable insights into the behavior and engagement of your users. By continuously monitoring and optimizing these metrics, you can improve the user experience, increase user retention and ultimately ensure the success of your online presence.