Click path analysis and Sankey diagrams are essential tools in digital marketing and web analytics. They provide deep insights into the navigation behaviour of users on your website and help you to optimize the user experience and evaluate the effectiveness of your page structure and links.

Definition of the click path analysis

A click path analysis tracks the specific paths that users take on a website, from the first interaction until they leave the page. This analysis helps you to understand how users interact with your website, which pages they visit and in what order they do so.

Importance of click path analysis

Click path analysis offers numerous advantages:

  • Understanding user behavior: Gain detailed insights into the paths users take on your website.
  • Identify bottlenecks and hurdles: Recognize areas where users bounce or have difficulty finding their way around.
  • Website navigation optimization: Improve user-friendliness and increase the likelihood that users will achieve their goals on your website.

Methods of click path analysis

In addition to the integrated click path analysis in etracker analytics, various BI tools can also be used to create Sankey diagrams:

  • Google Looker Studio: Integrates with etracker analytics and enables the creation of customized Sankey diagrams.
  • Tableau: A powerful data visualization tool that also supports Sankey diagrams.
  • Microsoft Power BI: Also offers options for creating Sankey diagrams.

The click path analysis in etracker analytics is preconfigured and easy to use. The initial page is selected via the table, for which the next two page steps are displayed, including exits. By clicking on a selected follow-up page, the next but one page is filtered accordingly.

For special segmentations for certain users, sources of origin, targets, etc. or the inclusion of certain events or further steps, analysis using BI tools is recommended. In addition to Sankey diagrams, sunburst diagrams are also often used for visualization. It can also be helpful to group pages sensibly when analyzing click paths using BI tools in order to ensure clarity.

Use the findings from your analysis to take targeted optimization measures. This could include improving user-friendliness, adapting the page navigation or optimizing the content.


Click path analysis and Sankey diagrams are powerful tools for understanding and optimizing the navigation behaviour of users on your website. By analysing and visualizing the data in detail, you can gain valuable insights and take targeted measures to improve user-friendliness and conversion rates.