Do the data quality check!
Test the consent-free etracker analytics for 30 days free of charge & without obligation.
The test phase ends automatically if no booking is made.
Convince yourself of the advantages of privacy-friendly web analysis without data loss due to consent refusal or tracking blocking.
Set up in just a few minutes:
- Conversion actions in the etracker tag manager
- Campaign tracking in Google Ads
- Automatic server-side conversion upload to Google Ads

Thousands of websites are already benefiting from this

The dilemma with Google Analytics
Companies are spoiled for choice, but have no way of reconciling the two: Legal compliance and sufficient data quality. This is because GA may only be used with consent. This also applies to the consent mode (Google Consent Mode).

As a consequence, a large part of the data is lost. The evaluations are also distorted and therefore unusable see etracker Consent Benchmark Study Nov. 2023.

The solution with etracker analytics
etracker analytics enables demonstrably consent-free tracking. Cookie-less tracking is only half the battle. Only if the most lenient method is demonstrably used for the purpose of web analysis can consent be waived or legal measurement be carried out even if cookies are rejected.

Consent-free tracking, managed via a separate sub-domain, ensures the best data quality in harmony with legal requirements.

etracker analytics can be operated in two variants: with and without cookies. If no third-party services requiring consent are in use, a consent banner can even be dispensed with completely.